Thursday, June 16, 2011


I think Linda Evans fans are really going to love this post. Following recent Joan Collins and Stephanie Beacham collections, here are now as many as 20 HQ photographs of "Dynasty's" original principal lady - Linda Evans.

There are promo shots for Linda as Krystle, stills taken from the actual show, as well as a couple of public appearances, all from those great days when "Dynasty" was on the air and people flocked to the screen to root for that adorable and sensitive pretty lady.

I personally loved Linda's look in the first three seasons of the show (and perhaps in the second half of season 5). Not because she was obviously younger there, but because her hair, make-up and clothes suited her very well and she looks just as great in those episodes today.

Though Linda, as we know, sported her trademark "Krystle" hairstyle from the beginning to the end of the series, the look did change somewhat over the years and I really didn't care too much for season 4 and 7 versions (e.g. see picture 12 below), which I find dated today.

Low-cut neckline also became increasingly absent from Nolan Miller's designs for Krystle in latter years. I thought that was a shame - Linda looked much more beautiful when she would expose her feminine features and skip the buttoned-up look.



  2. please moreeeeeeeee

  3. Krystle's look was far more interesting that people give her credit for. There was something innocent and childlike about her, and yet at the exact same time she looked wise and motherly. And still at the same time, she could be quite sexy and beautiful while radiating a pure glow.

    Btw, since you've done this for Krystle, Alexis and Sable, why not Dominique and perhaps Caress? :)

  4. I agree it was a shame when they stopped doing the low-cut look for Linda. She easily had the best cleavage on the show.... rofl, maybe next you should do a poll where people vote on which diva had the best cleavage? ;) XD haha, kidding.

  5. i guess her first year on dynasty was one of the best ones. i particularly love a scene from season 1, when Krystle, disappointed, scared and sad and yet somewhat serene, leans against a wall outside of the mansion, the score ever so effectively helping along

    1. That scene touches my heart too she played it so well! Sadness in her eyes & loneliness but still loved her Blake even though he was too distracted to see her need at that time. Love Linda Evans & John ❤️

  6. To Anonymous above, although you're kidding it's not a bad idea; but you're right. None of Emma Samms, Joan Collins, Stephanie Beacham or any of the others came close to matching Linda Evans in that deparment; the only one who came close was Pamela Bellwood whilst pregnant.

  7. maybe next you should do a poll where people vote on which diva had the best cleavage? - nothing to vote about, of course the winner is LINDA!!!

  8. Jane October 5, 2015 at 1:36 PM
    Linda has always defined Beauty and Grace!! <3

  9. To those talking about the best cleavage, while Linda had some big guns, I don’t know about the best XD. I think the biggest problem there is that she had big DDs, but, for some reason, it didn’t always seem like it. Like, depending of what she wore and different angles, it just looked like looking at bare chest rather than big cleavage. Emma had great cleavage, though I don’t know if she had as big a chest as Linda. Don’t get me wrong, Linda’s were really big, like amazingly big (XD), but great cleavage shouldn’t depend on what angle you see it at
